




PROBI: Class List
PROBI  1.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
oCAdaptiveSamplingWeighted sampling for k-means++ and similar algorithms
oCCenterOfGravityComputes the center of gravity / centroid / 1-means
oCDatastreamCoresetWraps FastCoreset into the Merge & Reduce framework
oCEuclideanMetricEuclidean metric for Point objetcs
oCEuclideanNormEuclidean norm for Point objetcs
oCEuclideanSpaceEuclidean space operations for Point objetcs
oCEuclideanSquaredMetricEuclidean squared metric for Point objetcs
oCEuclideanSquaredNormEuclidean squared norm for Point objetcs
oCFastCoresetFast implementation of PROBI
oCKMedianK-median evaluation for Point objects
oCKumarMedian1-median approximation
oCLloydMedianAdaption of Lloyd's algorithm for k-median
oCLloydProbMedianAdaption of Lloyd's algorithm for probabilistic k-median
oCMergeReduceMerge & Reduce framework template
oCMetricMetric interface
oCNormNorm interface
oCPKMedianProbabilistic k-median evaluator
oCPointPoint class
oCProbabilisticPointProbabilistic point
oCRandomnessEncapsulates an STL random generator
oCSamplingSampling operations
oCWeightedPointWeighted point class
\CWeiszfeld1-median approximation